About Me

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Hai! My name is Alixx. Many would say I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, however, many do not truly know me. Within my writing, I am able to reveal my true self without restrictions. To me, writing is the loudest way of expressing yourself, for no one can silence your words upon parchment. And so, within these blog entries, I leave small pieces of myself, along with the memories and events that have caused me to become who I am today. With little left unsaid, I shall leave you be, to finally proceed whatever more interesting activities you were doing before deciding read this completely pointless paragraph.

Monday, March 9, 2009


WOW. I haven't posted anything in like, forever.
Unfortunately, I have very little time to write a cornucopiate amount of words.
So, long story short. Sven, my absolute DREAM, is gay.
Not bi. Not curious.
He was only pretending to like me, because he didn't want to turn me down and hurt me. He also claims he had nothing better to do than to put a smile on someone's face. So, I played his little fucking guinea pig for a few months, and in the end, he chewed up my heart and spit it out.
Lesson well learned, my friend.
When your mother says, "Don't, I have a terrible feeling about this one."

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